We showed up. We stood up. We spoke up. Voices of African Americans, Asian Americans, Latinos and Caucasians. Voices of the young (age 7) and voices of the old (75+).
We were heard. By the residents of Carson who honked their car horns in approval. By the Los Angeles Times who sent a photographer to capture images of the event. By KTLA TV who sent both a reporter and a videographer to record our voices and our actions.
Our messages? We delivered three important messages in Carson on March 7, the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s march from Selma.
First, the City of Carson is an outlier and an outlaw that willfully chooses to break the law and to violate court decisions which clearly state that ordinances such as the Carson ordinance are preempted by state law.
Second, registered citizens have civil rights and those rights are being violated by the Carson ordinance which prohibits registered citizens from loitering in or within 300 feet of public places such as libraries, parks, and swimming pools as well as private places such as fast food restaurants.
Third, the City of Carson is hurting families by denying them the opportunity to act as a family. By denying them the opportunity to enjoy a family outing in a park that is supported by their tax dollars.
Our education of the City of Carson, in general, and the Carson City Council, in particular, is not over. We will return to Carson soon to testify before the Carson City Council. And we will face the City of Carson in Los Angles Superior Court, Dept. 77, on June 11 at 8:30 a.m. All are welcome to join us in this public hearing which could decide whether the City of Carson is allowed to continue to break the law, to ignore court decisions solely because City Council members don’t agree with them. If the Judge acts consistently with his oath of office, that is, to abide by the Constitution, he will not allow Carson to continue to break the law, to violate both the state and federal Constitutions.
– Janice Bellucci
Read all of Janice’s Journal
Just heard the interview. Clearly they want nothing more than to spout their own opinions and pander to their audience.
Janice, you truly deserve great credit for maintaining decorum despite their inflammatory rhetoric.
Is there any way a mailing list of all RCs in the state can be compiled without breaking any laws? I believe that RCs should be made aware of CARSOL and the work that is being done. Lawyers send me advertisements all the time.
Great job Janice those people are exactly what we are up against they want to just spout their hate and not listen to any responses they fail to realize that I would bet that over 90% of those that are convicted of the crimes that he was spouting will spend half their life if not all of it in prison. People that commit forceable rape in a teenager or rape little kids will never be on the registry because they will never get out of prison. Even if they do they have went thru extensive treatments and if were considered a threat they would be civilly committed. I’m sure the vast majority of rso are non violent people that have had or attempted to have sex with a minor. Or even lesser offenses. You know of course that a lewd act with a minor under 14 is automatically considered a violent offense even if there was ni violence involved.
Anyway from a non violent no contact ex offender from over ten years ago thank you Janice for doing what you do.
We must ALL monetarily support Janice and CARSOL, they are our primary advocates in this hostile world! Please! Someday I envision that with her efforts “We Will Overcome!”
Michael asked “How old was Walsh and where did he admit to having sex with that 16 y.o.?
I looked through some of those stories on the web but didn’t see THAT.”
23. He admitted it in an interview. I think I saw it at absolutezerounites.com.
mike said “Anyway from a non violent no contact ex offender from over ten years…”
According to the shockjocks, you don’t exist. Or are not worth discussing.
Whenever a stigma is created, whether it’s against sex offenders; ethnicities or religions, it falsely creates the assumption that “they are all alike”. We would be wise to stop grouping and stigmatizing people as being exactly like all others of a particular distinction. It blurs details and facts, which make ignorant, inaccurate assumptions about a substantial number of people. We then use the faulty conclusions and think we can legislate it away. Perhaps it is in the interest of society to realize it is much more practical, to live amongst each other, striving towards a peaceful society, than divided against one another, based on uneducated and uninformed opinions. Large numbers of people are at war across the world, largely due to ignorance and misinformation. We will all be judged someday, inward personal growth is more productive, than casting aspersions on others. In the practical reality involving registered sex offenders, I think the registry creates substantial hindrances to employment and housing, which ironically are the two most important ingredients necessary, in reducing recidivism and thus protecting society from the proliferation of further aberrant behaviors. Ultimately, the registry may be iatrogenic in terms of encouraging and motivating offenders to understand their behavior, have the opportunity for appropriate treatment, housing and employment resources, to move forward in a positive and supportive direction towards living a law abiding and sober life.
I think what WE need for Carson a Rosa Parks type person.
To be clear, Parks was not just “some black woman” who, one day, got fed up sitting at the back of the bus. She was a long time member of the NAACP and was an activist for black civil rights. So her civil disobedience, and the following bus boycott, was well planned.
What we need is an RC to go to a Carson park and get arrested. Then sue the heck outta Carson and LA County.
I would do it myself, but my offense was a misdemeanor and I am eligible for a Certificate of Rehabilitation with the chance to get off the registry. And doing something like that would screw that up.
But there must be some RC out there whose offense was over a decade ago and so he’s not on probation or parole anymore.
Someone who has been “clean” since his conviction, but is not going to ever get off the registry.
Maybe one whose offense was NOT child related.
Someone who, because he has to register, may not be doing as well in life as he could. Maybe homeless, working odd jobs etc.
Someone for who the arrest would not really be all that big of deal
He wont spend hardly anytime in custody. Book and release most likely. It is LA County after all. And it’s not like he’s going to be convicted of the matter.
And after, he is likely to have himself a pot of money for Carson and LA County violating his civil rights.